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Fire Cider

The next few blog posts are to catch you up to present time since I am getting a late start at this.

So, I've been watching this woman on YouTube via The Honeystead. She spoke about making Fire Cider. It is supposed to help with colds, the flu and viruses. Some take a shot every day and some just take it when they feel something coming on or just doesn't feel well.

I dove headfirst (as I do everything) and researched all about it and got all the ingredients together. There are many many ways to make this cider and it's pretty up to your own personal taste and desires. I followed her recipe, but as I do with most everything, I made a few tweaks. Below is how I made it.

Ingredients included:

  • garlic (whole cloves)

  • horseradish (chunked up)

  • lemons

  • limes

  • jalopenos

  • oranges

  • onions

  • rosemary

  • tumeric

  • ginger

  • apple cider vinegar

You can also add things like (which I will be trying for my next batch): cinnamon sticks, cranberries and peppercorns. You can be free with the recipe.

Combine everything and cover with the apple cider vinegar. Cover the top with parchment paper (so you'll be able to get the lid open) and put on the lid. Set in a dark cool place and shake on a daily basis for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, strain off all the liquid (also squeeze the liquid from the food). You can sweeten with some honey if you like. Store in the fridge for approx 8 months or about a year in a cool/dark place. Make sure you put it in an amber bottle though to keep out the light.

We finished straining and Scott and I each took a shot.'s strong, so hopefully it will kick any illness that we get pretty quickly.

Here is how my fire cider looked like when we bottled it and once we strained it. Happy cidering!


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